Life Insurance

LIFE INSURANCE – A CHOICE ON the quality of life your survivors will have

Death is an unpleasant subject, and it is understandable that in our day-to-day lives we must behave as optimists, and assume that we will live fortunate, long lives. This is the right way to be – positivity should always be our default mindset.

However, this doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take a moment to think about the risks we face as humans, and the possible impact death could have on the loved ones who survive us. If your dependents would suffer financial hardship on event of your death, we can help you face the risk, insure it, and get back to being positive!

Life cover can be surprisingly inexpensive, and we can tailor it to suit your circumstances and affordability level. Policies, for example, can be opened to protect your mortgage, giving your surviving dependents an amount equivalent to your outstanding mortgage amount. Joint policies are also available for situations where both you and your spouse require cover.

Fowley Mortgage & Financial Services deal with a select panel of the UK’s leading insurers, allowing us to advise and recommend a policy most suitable for your needs and circumstances. All our mortgage clients are offered protection advice, but we invite you to contact us if you are looking solely for advice on protection.